
In the process of training in this speciality, students get acquainted with the basics of oil and gas production onshore and in offshore areas, which include: the search for and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits on the shelf, drilling of oil and gas wells at sea, the development of oil and gas fields, as well as the development of offshore deposits, methods of operating wells at sea.


21.03.01 Oil and Gas Engineering

Mode of attendance
Full time
5,5 years
Language of training
Admission tests for international students
Mathematics, Russian language
Tuition fees
300 000 RUB per semester
Reasons for choosing a course
  • A wide range of knowledge in many areas of industry;

  • Employment opportunities in foreign companies;

  • The guarantee future employment; interesting and well-paid jobs in the oil and gas industry;

  • Widespread demand in the market of specialized personnel for the positions of engineers, technologists, etc.;

  • The opportunity to engage in scientific activities while studying at St. Petersburg Mining University.


Graduates of this speciality are in demand in the oil and gas industry worldwide. Classical technical training offers graduates wide career prospects. After graduation, they can begin their work as operators of oil and gas production, operators of routine maintenance and overhaul of wells, process engineers, specialists in oil and gas production at the fields of Rosneft (RN-Yuganskneftegaz, RN-Purneftegas), Gazprom (Gazpromneft Shelf, Gazpromneft Sakhalin), Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. It is also possible to enter Master’s degree program, and then, if they wish, continue studies in postgraduate school and find a place in the field of education or in research institutes.

Field of study
Underground hydromechanics (oil);
Offshore hydrocarbon production;
Offshore field development;
Computer modeling in the oil and gas business;
Hydrodynamic methods for the study of wells and reservoirs in shelf deposits;
Physics of oil and gas reservoirs;
Offshore oil and gas exploration;
Maintenance and overhaul of offshore wells;
Technology and technique for improving oil recovery in offshore fields;
Basics of oil and gas engineering and the history of the development of offshore fields.
Graduate skills
Skills in formulating and solving practical problems arising during staff meetings and in monitoring the production process;
Ability to execute official documentation with an accurate description of the signs and types of complications arising during well drilling, the actions of the drilling crew and the results of the elimination of complications and accidents;
Skills in using instrument readings, instrumentation data and geological and technical research data to assess the progress of the production process of drilling wells;
Ability to identify and assess possible risks of deviation from design decisions in the process of oil and gas production on the shelf and make operational decisions to minimize them, as well as correct the progress of the production process of oil and gas production on the shelf.